Friday, November 21, 2008

More money in your wallet

Save Money
Gas prices are falling! Do you remember the last time gas prices were in the 70s? Today's low is 74.9. Just a month ago, we were looking at gas prices around 101.405. One year ago, they were 106.808.

If you didn’t fill up your tank during the week, you will be paying more to do so this weekend. Gas prices are higher during weekends, than weekdays.

Save money. I have a great website for you. Visit This website compares all gas prices in the London Area, and it shows you where you can get the cheapest prices.

1 comment:

Ana said...

Тhе Dungеоns hаvе а vаrіеd ореnіng аnd сlоsіng tіmе. Yоu wоuld bе bеst tо dоublе сhесk оn thе dау thаt уоu vіsіt. Тhе sіght саn sоmеtіmеs ореn аt nіnе thіrtу іn thе mоrnіng аnd саn bе sееn tо bе сlоsе аs еаrlу аs fіvе thіrtу but sоmеtіmеs thе tіmе саn bе аs lаtе аs sеvеn.
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